Brandy Eggnog

The eggnog tradition began in Europe as an adaptation of the various milk and wine concoctions often served at social events. During the 17th century they would use eggnog as a toast to good health. It was often consumed by the wealthy or upper class as milk and eggs were rare in this period.

It has been suggested that the name nog originates from an Old English word for strong beer. However, an alternative version attributes the name to colonial America where colonists named thick drinks as ‘grog’ and eggnog as ‘egg-and-grog’.

A new ingredient was added to spice things up – rum. Nowadays, an eggnog can be made using brandy, bourbon, rum, bourbon or Irish Whisky. Here is the recipe for a Brandy Eggnog but it can easily be adapted to suit your tastes.

The Recipe

This recipe serves 1

  • 1 measure brandy
  • 1½ measures milk
  • ½ measure sugar syrup
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Garnish: nutmeg (optional)

Pour the milk, brandy, egg yolk and sugar into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well and strain into an old fashioned glass. For an optional garnish grate some nutmeg on top to decorate.


  • In Puerto Rico coconut juice or coconut milk is sometimes added to give a sweeter flavour.
  • In Mexico, Mexican cinnamon and rum is used
  • In Peru, eggnog is made with the Peruvian promance brandy called Pisco.

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